Lead Fodder Main Page

Blemmyae: Tribal medium sized monsterous humanoids from the hunting grounds that really don't like tourist at all,

Big Bad Maw: A massive abberation that poses as a hill in order to lick up its next meal.

Sciopod: Don't be to hasty to laugh at this one legged magic using humanoid.

Sludge Gator: A beast stalking a sewer near you, careful it'll really stick to ya.

NOTES: COUP: Coup powers can only be absorbed by harrowed character who currently are in dominion of their own mind, are close enough to the source of the coup (about 10 feet), and fullfill all the necessary requirement to obtain the coup powers (as listed under each creature).

Coming to get you soon...

Tar baby: The classic construct that'll stop you in your tracks, we'll even tell ya (if you use magic) how to make one.

Deu de tete: A two headed fairy like creature that makes friends with children and feed's off their parents fear and flesh.

Misipisiw (Michi-Pichoux): An ancient and powerful race of creatures also known as the Sea Lynx, the masters of dangerous waterways they are both feared and reveared.

Californian Chimera: The utimate folley of mad scientists, a construct with free will and the ability to "breed", and it loves the taste of fresh ghost rock too. Adventure for it also coming soon.

Greedy Munchkin: An imported Irish Leprechaun that has developed into an even more of a miser than its cousins back home.